Each and every one of us has experienced some weird things in our lives. Sometimes we do not exactly see the relationship between the activity and the final result, but if you are a good thinker, you would see the action at the first point has affected the good or bad outcome after several days or even years. Understood or not?
Never mind, you will take it after reading the following post and you will confess about your effects as well.
"Ask Reddit" is a Reddit community that has millions of followers and shares some interesting facts in question type.
Those who are confused with the butterfly effect, just keep in mind, the butterfly effect means the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. Imagine it like this, with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon. Of course, a single act like the butterfly flapping its wings cannot cause a typhoon.
Source: Reddit.
1 #1.
" About 20 years ago I was watching a tv show about a guy in Australia who feeds the homeless. At the end they interviewed a few of the homeless who all said he was great, and their names flashed up on the bottom of the screen.
One of the guys had the same name as my brother, who I hadn't seen for about 15 years. I looked at the screen, squinted...and there under the dirt and grime was my brother, who was an addict and lost touch with us years ago.
I called the tv program and got the name of the feeder guy, he contacted my brother and passed on my phone number. A couple of days later I got a call and told him he could come live with me. And he did.
He moved in at my place, then the next morning went up the road to get a newspaper to look for a job (this was about 2000) Came back and he'd found someone advertising for English teachers in China. He asked me what I thought...I said, what have you got to lose?
So off he went. And loved it. Kept telling me to go too, so six months later I quit my job, sold my car, moved everything I wanted to keep over to my older brother's place...and left for China.
I was there for 18 years. I met a girl, got married, bought an apartment, had two kids. Then the Hong Kong troubles came and I moved back to Australia a few months ago.
And it all started from watching a tv show and seeing a name I knew."
2 #2.
"I went to Amsterdam to meet up with friends.
On the way back there was a train at the station, but the display didn't show information. I decided to ask a random guy who was entering the train if this was the right one. It was and we start chatting.
Holy shit this guy is a perfect match for my mom. I asked him he would like to date her. He agreed, because of the unique condition.
They had a relationship within a month.
Lived together within a year.
11 years later still together, married for 4 years.
All because of a broken display."
3 #3.
" I was supposed to go to a U2 concert with this girl was friends with, her boyfriend, and a couple other people. I had a knack for getting good seats at shows so it was up to me to get tickets. She went nuts and accused me of trying to break into her house to clean her carpets while she was in Croatia so I kept the tickets (they hadn't paid me yet) because I still wanted to go but not with them because they were really good seats. I went to a street fair in town a couple of weeks later and ran into a girl I was friends with from high school who loved U2. I sold her a ticket and she asked if she could bring a friend which just made me think "woohoo, I'm selling another one of these really pricey tickets!" The girls show up at my place day of show and her friend smiles as she is walking in. I saw the smile and knew that was it, I'm going to be spending the rest of my life chasing that smile.
Well over 20 years, a couple of kids and dogs later, and as soon as I finish typing this I'm headed to bed to snuggle up next her.
Tl:Dr I met my wife because one of my friends went nuts and accused me of trying to clean her carpets while she was in Croatia."
4 #4.
"After high school, I attended a community college for a few years. I'm rather introverted and am not good at making new friends, so for most of my first term I basically didn't interact with anyone.
I had a two-hour break between two of my classes, so I started hanging out in the cafeteria because it had chairs and food. One day I saw a guy rocking a blue fedora (this was before the fedora-wearing neckbeard stereotype really became a thing, and also this particular guy is not and never has been a neckbeard in any way) and I complimented him on it. We chatted a little bit and he invited me to join him and his friends who also spent their free time hanging out in the cafeteria.
Fedora Guy and I dated for a little while, but ultimately we weren't a good fit long-term, though we have remained good friends. The big thing, though, was that he introduced me to an internet discussion forum he was part of. I joined that forum and became a very active member in that community, and made a lot of friends through there.
Several years later, I was feeling pretty trapped in where I was in life, working a retail job and barely making ends meet, with no resources to go back to school and no marketable skills to look for other work. A couple from the forums (who lived a good 600 miles from me) offered to let me move in with them and they'd support me while I essentially tried to restart my life. I took them up on their offer, moved from Oregon to California, met a guy I really hit it off with, and am now married and working a job that gives me a great deal of satisfaction.
All because I said "Dude, I like your hat" to a stranger in the cafeteria 15 years ago".
( Lachwen).
5 #5.
"In November of 2018, there was a huge blizzard right around Thanksgiving. My college didn’t close for the blizzard so I went out early to get some hash browns from the dining hall before my psychology exam. I ended up falling and getting a really bad concussion and had to reschedule my midterm.
The day after (or maybe two days after), I ended up taking a triple dose of my panic attack medication because benzos and concussions make you really confused. I knew something was wrong so I went to the ER and nobody believed me that the overdose was by accident.
So at the psychiatric inpatient, I was prescribed some antidepressants. Nurse reassured me that the good mood was just not being depressed. Instead I was actually manically happy and high.
Got serotonin syndrome-muscle spasms, muscle atrophy, seizures, fever that didn’t go down with tylenol so had to use an ice bath, coma for a bit.
Quit college because I couldn’t even feel hunger, went home, did physical therapy, therapy, and got antidepressants because serotonin syndrome ruined my ability to make serotonin. Took a dna test and found out I metabolize SSRIs at double the pace. In the meantime, got to meet tons of nurses and doctors and discovered I wanted to be a nurse. Started volunteering emt and even got to deliver a baby. Got a full ride to college for nursing too.
So wanting blizzard/class + hash browns = concussion -> overdose -> inpatient -> serotonin syndrome -> quitting college for multiple treatments -> finding my true passion, going back to school, and delivered a baby"!
( cookiebinkies).
"Was studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain where I met this random student at a bar and chatted with him for about 30 mins. I friended him on Facebook the next day (this was early days of Facebook and I was young and excited about social media). I went on to live in a different city for a few months, then went to Madrid, Spain for the summer. Decided to click through to “friends in Madrid” on Facebook (again, young and excited about social media) on the day I arrived. Saw this student from Salamanca was my only contact in the city and decided to message him. He invited me to drinks with friends that night, where I met this random German dude who invited me to his bday party the next day. I went because I didn’t have anything better to do. I ended up dancing w the random German dude’s brother, who was there visiting just for his brother’s bday. After the dancing (and some talking, etc.,), the random German dude’s brother and I realized we had a serious connection. We maintained a long distance relationship from Germany to Spain, then Germany to the USA for a year. We’ve been married over 8 years now. We had both arrived in Madrid the day before. Up until that point that 4 day window in Madrid was the only time we had ever been in the same country at the same time.
EDIT for clarity that not still long distance
Also adding, tl;dr—through a random set of chance meetings and uncharacteristically extroverted behaviors on my part, I met my husband who I only could have met during one 4 day period when we happened to be in the same country at the same time
Edit 2: our deep “connection” was built on discussing LOST while walking around Madrid until 6am. Of course we thought the fact we were both super into LOST meant we were unique and destined to be soulmates (lol!)"
( lizetta9).
7 #7.
"Fifth or sixth grade, I tried to confess to my crush by gifting him a strawberry muffin, I left it in his desk and my plan was to confess I was the one giving the muffin, he ended up having an allergic reaction that caused him to be taken by an ambulance, this caused me to never confess, fast forward to junior year, we were starting to study the bases of a research project to help with our thesis the following year, his original project partner ended up moving to another part of the country and had to switch schools, so he joined my group, at this point I was over the crush, but it was nice having him as a friend, then one day that we were working on the project, I don’t remember exactly how, but we brought out the topic that we should share a secret with each other to become closer friends, I told him about the muffin and he came out of the closet to me, a couple of week later he did it at the school, this caused us to become basically joined by the hip, and he introduced me to his family, and still unknown to me, introduced me to my future bf, his older brother, we have been dating for over 2 years now".
8 #8.
"When I was 19 I was working a shitty retail job and had an awful store manager that was a really nasty guy. One day I snapped and had enough and stormed out. I never came back.
I felt guilty as the store manager only scheduled two people on at the end of the day, so with me gone it was just him and my colleague who was about to leave for the day...on his last ever day.
The colleague stayed on an extra hour or two on his last day to cover for me and I guess because I'd left abruptly, agreed to work a few extra shifts until I was replaced.
My replacement was a woman whom later became his wife and now they have two children.
If I hadn't rage quit that day the likelihood is they never would have met and those kids would never exist!"
( biscuitboy89).
9 #9.
" A couple of years back, i was terribly depressed and suicidal. In my mind, no one would care if i die, i'm just one dot in this vast universe. I'm just a burden. Feeling all this pain, in this hell...i'm better off dead. I was already planning my death( the hows ,what, where). I didn't have a set date yet. I was planning to cut ties from people and all that but i know that whenever i feel like it's time, i will do it. I was ready.
Suddenly, before the end of the school year (that same year), one of my classmates did it. Wouldn't go into detail about how but it was in our campus and some of my classmates saw him. Everything stopped for a while. Exams got cancelled, classes were cancelled for that entire week, we had to undergo some sort of class therapy ( we have atleast 1 case of suicide per year.). There, my brain went into a glitch. Idk but i was just floating watching these people grieve. Slowly, it came to me...that the world will never stop for you. But for the people who loves you and cares for you? Their worlds will change. I am not even close with this person yet somehow, like a ripple effect, he affected me. He's a very active and happy guy on the outside and no one would ever suspect he's suffering. During those time, i heard that several of my classmates were suffering from depression (and other forms of mental illness) too. It's just that we're to isolated and confined within ourselves that we didn't notice it. I sortof felt like...i wasn't alone. After that event...i felt guilty, i felt that i have to atleast try, for him. I owe him my life, tbh. If that didn't happen, i probly would've ended it, never graduated and all. Wherever he is i hope he's happy."
( j_kyuu04).
10 #10.
" When I was 6 I was riding my bike and a bee was chasing me. I ended up ditching my bike in the middle of the road in front of a random house. A guy came out and helped me by swatting the bee away and getting me back on my bike.
His daughter came out to observe and we introduced ourselves and became good friends. When I was 8 I moved away and only saw her 1 other time over the next 10 years. When I turned 18 I got my driver's license and decided I was going to see if she still lived in the same house. Drove an hour and it turns out she did still live there. For those of you thinking that we got married and lived happily ever after - nope.
We did end up hitting it off and I was head over heels in love with her. She moved 3 hours away to Chicago for college, so I applied to college in Chicago and moved with her. Spent 1 semester there before I ran out of money. Ended up joining the Navy to support us, but once I got out of boot camp she decided that she wanted to stay in Chicago and a month later it was too difficult for us to have a long distance relationship.
Fast forward 6 years, I get stationed in Washington state, meet the girl of my dreams, ACTUALLY understand what it means to fall head over heels in love with somebody. Married for going on 9 years now, 2 kids, awesome life.
I never would have met my wife if I didn't join the Navy. I never would have joined the Navy if I didn't move to Chicago and go broke. Never would have went to Chicago if it wasn't for the girl. Never would have met that girl if it wasn't for the bee that chased me off my bike.
I ***kin love bees."
( prestoneric).
11 #11.
" Boyfriend broke up with me. Soon after I got the opportunity to work abroad. I wouldn’t have taken said job if the relationship would’ve continue but because I was afraid to run into him constantly, I decided to go away. Met a very nice coworker, also foreigner. He turned out to be the love of my life. Now I’m living in his country, been married a couple of years and we’re expecting our first baby.
My husband and I are from different CONTINENTS, he’s my one and only. I never would’ve found him if that dumb boyfriend wouldn’t have broken up with me. I thank that ex so much."
( wehnaje).
12 #12.
" I saw a cool witchcraft shop across the road from a gaming shop I went to semi regularly.
Convinced bf to come with me.
Owner is nice, we get on well, turns out he loved tin soldiers etc when he was a kid and is thinking about starting a new business.
I introduce him to the guy who runs the gaming shop.
3 months later the gaming store closes due to sky-high rents.
Wizard and the game store manager come up with a plan for an amazing game store with all kinds of tabletop and war games.
3 months later they hold an event to advertise and scope out customer base
Bf and I go and help organize, meeting people and making friends.
1 year later the new store opens and it's awesome. I become a regular.
Have a best friend and many other friends, place becomes like a second home.
3 years pass.
Bf and I realize we don't want the same things in life, we break up but are now besties.
Later I realize that I am in love with best friend from game store.
I confess. He feels the same. Turns out we fell for each other and were both too scared to say anything while I was still in a relationship.
We date. 4 months later he proposes and it feels right so I say yes.
Everyone including xBf are thrilled for us.
And that's how I helped start the biggest gaming store in the southern hemisphere *and* met the love of my life by walking into a witchcraft shop."
( madeupgrownup).
13 #13.
" I think I was around 8 or 9 when I befriended a street cat. My uncle and I were checking out the house that we were renovating and since I was a kid, I was out the streets chilling and saw an old dirty orange cat. I took the cat and cleaned her up and fed her. We played for about three hours before my uncle told me we had to go. I left the cat and left.
We moved in a couple of months later. Now, unbeknownst to us, the area had a bit of a mice and snake problem. Fortunately for us we never had much of an issue on that part. Our neighbors weren't so lucky.
A few years later when we had the place renovated again, we found the orange cat and her kids living inside our ceiling and they were the ones killing the mice and snakes. They also caught some of the cockroaches too.
It's been years now and the orange cat I unknowingly adopted has now died but her legacy still lives on because one of her kids moved into my apartment with me. My place is the only mice free one in my street."
( saffkips).
14 #14.
" In 2015, I was in college, working at Subway, and I felt like my life was trash. I didn’t feel like I was going anywhere with anything, I had made the mistake of leasing a car and getting my hours cut at Subway because my manager sucked. It was a dark time. I was on Craigslist and I found an ad for a position at a dealership and thought “Why not? What do I have to lose?” I went in and interviewed and passed on to the second interview with another manager. That other manager and I chatted for a while but he had a question that I feel would’ve made or broken my entire life if I hadn’t answered it right:”What is your dream car?” This dealership was more of a “American” car dealer rather than import car, and all I knew about were imports at the time. I looked outside and saw a Mustang and so I said “I think a Mustang would be my dream car” and then he leaned in and said “What year?” I was sweating bullets at this point. I had NO idea about Mustangs. I knew I didn’t like the new ones but a classic was nice. I randomly came up with a number and said “1964?” And he’s like “that’s the first generation mustang, so you’re telling me you know your stuff?” And I just smiled. I got the job. Worked there for two and a half years, met my husband there (who had gotten fired 4 months before I started but was rehired two years into my career there, so he has a bit of a butterfly effect story of his own). I feel if I had said anything other than 1964 Mustang, I would’ve never gotten that job. And yes, I know technically it was the 1964 1/2 Mustang. About a year into that job I did get a Mustang. I felt like it was the perfect fit as I had accidentally answered a question with the perfect answer."
( badwlf55).
15 #15.
" Sorry about this sad story but here it goes. When I was about 5, our family was planning to go to our village to celebrate festive season. Dad was a doctor and he thought it would be cool to buy a new car before going. He called his friend's dealership and they sent 3 cars for viewing.
We ended up liking one car and we kept that but my silly sister left her favourite shoes in the car and kept crying over it. She was like 2.
Next morning, dad said that why don't you guys take the new car with the driver and leave and I will swing by the dealership, pick up shoes, drop off old car and get there by train. Mom reluctantly agreed and our driver took us to our village.
Dad decided to leave next day but that night fighting broke out between two rival groups and few people were shot, dad had to operate on those all night, saving lives. Next morning, being too tired , he decided to skip going to dealership and join us directly. The family of the gun shot victim being grateful offered to drive my dad in his old car to our village. The driver was idiot or tired or whatever, he drove the car into a ditch, causing injuries to him and dad. Injuries weren't bad but it lead to my dad having a heart attack and passed away 10 days after
Don't leave your shoes in the car, kids. "
( user_is_name).