Category Runner Up, Youth – Pygmy Owl by Luca Lorenz. (16/24)


"Thanks to a friend, I was able to observe pygmy owls for the first time in my life. We spent about 14 hours a day in the area of a small tree hollow in a large forest in Germany, where a pair of pygmy owls were raising their young. I was so fascinated by the behavioral pattern of the little owls and just watching them really thrilled me. One evening we got lucky. After the female pygmy owl had received a blue tit from the male, it sat down for a moment on a branch far below. The slight backlighting created amazing structures and shapes at the right angle thanks to the leaves and branches, which I wanted to give plenty of space to. When she looked right into my lens for a brief moment, I pressed the shutter release. Shortly afterward, it flew back to its young in the hollow with the blue tit in its claws." - Says Luca Lorenz.

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