#1. (1/15)


" About 20 years ago I was watching a tv show about a guy in Australia who feeds the homeless. At the end they interviewed a few of the homeless who all said he was great, and their names flashed up on the bottom of the screen.

One of the guys had the same name as my brother, who I hadn't seen for about 15 years. I looked at the screen, squinted...and there under the dirt and grime was my brother, who was an addict and lost touch with us years ago.

I called the tv program and got the name of the feeder guy, he contacted my brother and passed on my phone number. A couple of days later I got a call and told him he could come live with me. And he did.

He moved in at my place, then the next morning went up the road to get a newspaper to look for a job (this was about 2000) Came back and he'd found someone advertising for English teachers in China. He asked me what I thought...I said, what have you got to lose?

So off he went. And loved it. Kept telling me to go too, so six months later I quit my job, sold my car, moved everything I wanted to keep over to my older brother's place...and left for China.

I was there for 18 years. I met a girl, got married, bought an apartment, had two kids. Then the Hong Kong troubles came and I moved back to Australia a few months ago.

And it all started from watching a tv show and seeing a name I knew." 


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