How Men Differ From Women, 03 Facts Revealed.

When I’m saying that, I’m going to review some differences between men and women you will laugh at. Yes, you know it but today we are going to read some more facts far from the sight. There are some other factors in which a man differs from a woman. These are some scientific and inherited factors that everyone would not get into discussing.

01. Visual area (Sight).

“John looks at the guy In that back table, have you seen him before. But do not turn that side” Mary said her husband. But despite her words, John suddenly turned that side and tried to remember the guy. That person saw it and Mary get a little angry with John about turning. What do you think, will John be able to see a guy back to him without turning? No, he would never. That is what we are discussing now.

Of course, you may have experienced such incidents evenly as men and women. Any how we have to be aware of these small but important inherit varieties so as to maintain a happy life. Acknowledgment about these types of tiny matters will help you in maintaining a strong relationship.

Generally, men are more far-sighted than women also women have a good peripheral vision than men. This was scientifically confirmed by some experiments done by scientists.

How can men see far behind women? What would be the exact reason for that? It is time to discuss that now. In ancient times people lived in forests and men had to hunt for food. They lived these hunting lives for so many years. In here adaption comes in, because of that long time hunting practice men adapted to see animals in a far distance. So it was very easy to chase and hunt them down. Because of this reason, even today men are more far-sighted than women.

At the same time, after men leave for hunting women had to take care of their kids and other stuff. Women's eyes were accustomed to taking good care of children. Because of this, their peripheral vision developed more than men. To be real, some women’s eyesight is effective up to 180 degrees.  This means they can keep their head straight and see an approximate range of 180 degrees.

In this way, according to the function inherited by each gender, their vision has been shaped in that way for a long time.

The interesting fact here is, girls look at handsome boys without getting caught because of that visibility advantage. But at the same time, if a boy wanted to see a girl, they would easily get caught because a boy should turn that side.

The retina of the eye contains millions of rod cells. They are responsible for peripheral vision. Naturally, men are less with these cells than women. This is the reason why women are 180’s compared to men.

02. Color spectrum.

The retina is the most important part of your eyeball. It contains millions of cone-shaped cells. Cone cells can handle our color vision. It is the X-chromosome responsible for providing these color cells. Women usually process two X – chromosomes while men have only one. So women are more advanced in discriminating colors.

We know ladies love colors. Varieties of lipstick colors, sandals, earrings and nail polish go parallel with the outfit. Women can easily discriminate the different shades of purple like maroon, plum, indigo, eggplant, and lavender. But unfortunately for a man these all varieties one single color and that is purple. Ladies can try convincing your husband on the difference between purple and maroon or plum and see whether will it work or not.

Males need a longer wavelength than females to experience the same hue. Because of that colors like orange may appear like red to men. Men also see green color bit yellowish than women. Men are also weak in distinguishing shades of blue, green, and yellow.

Anyhow, men’s eyes are more sensitive to moving objects. So they have the ability to catch something moving past. That ability sway more than women.

03. Talking and focusing ability.

I do not want to say, You already know women are way more talkative than men. Actually as per the tests, when women talk 20,000 words a day men talk 7,000 only.

When there is a problem, men pay full attention to the problem and work hard to solve it. But when a women face a problem, she prefers to talk about it with someone and tries to reduce the stress rather than solve the situation. Women are always more interested In looking at other people’s faces and understanding the emotions on their faces than men. Therefore women see it is very interesting to talk more.

Boys, There is no doubt you may have seen your girlfriend listening to music and at the same time talk with someone about a serious issue. You may have a question mark on it. The reason is women's brains are designed to do several things at once. But men’s brain is designed to focus a one task at a time.

So remember girls, do not try to talk with your partner when he is in a serious task. It may cause them to lose their total focus on that particular work. So we have to admit that each gender has its strengths and weaknesses compared to each other. Sometimes they may be advantageous while some are not. Try to understand these types of differences so you will have a good relationship with your opposite gender. Above are only three facts I have revealed. But there are many more internal differences between men and women other than external differences. You have the chance to read them on the internet and it would be a fun activity. Try to understand your friend, boyfriend, husband or any other opposite gender and also men can do the same. Your patience is everything.

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