06 Uncommon Facts About Pompeii In Lovely Italy.

Today we are looking deeper into one of the world heritage sites that belongs to Italy. Pompeii is the city and I know most of you would know basic facts about this

Today we are looking deeper into one of the world heritage sites that belongs to Italy. Pompeii is the city and I know most of you would know basic facts about this ancient city. As we know, the story is not so fascinating or joyful but it has added to history as one of the saddest incidents that happened in the world’s history.

This was happened in 79 AD. The monster was Mount Vesuvius which has been in a deep sleep for thousands of years. A sudden activation of the volcanic eruption destroyed the whole city within several hours. People could only ask, can Mother Nature be cruel like this to burn them alive?

That was a sad story that happened and we do not want it to happen anywhere. This piece of information is only for knowledge not to earn any benefits to the website via this information. Hope you would understand it and without any further due, let’s jump into the hidden facts about Pompeii in Italy.

  1. Penguin

    Records say that this incident was in 79AD and at that time, the people who lived in Pompeii had not heard of the word “volcano”. Even they were not aware of the danger hidden inside the mountain just above them. They didn’t have any clue that Vesuvius was a volcano.

    Even the name volcano was taken into the use in 1600s. So it is clear that these innocent people did not even know how they died and what Mother Nature had done to them.

  2. Penguin

    Even today, we are suffering from dental diseases despite having high technology and maintenance of our mouth. Would you believe that ancient Pompeiians had very healthy teeth? and they have been able to maintain the dental health best for their times.

    After rediscovering and excavating Pompeii in the 1800s, this fact was revealed. This excavation was done with the help of archeologists, doctors, radiologists, and many professionals. So they were able to find many important and unusual facts about Pompeiians.

  3. Penguin

    In the 1800s when they did the excavation, another interesting fact they found was Brothels. Ancient Romans were known for the activity but historical pieces of evidence showed that they were not been ethical, in doing the activity. As per the resources they have not been ashamed of doing related activities publicly.

    But having well-maintained Brothels took us to another side that they also wanted privacy doing the activity. Anyhow the researchers have found a considerable number of Brothels around the city and it took them to different paths in their archeological research.

  4. Penguin

    The eruption killed thousands of people but without proper sources, the exact number was not revealed. The mountain that caused the incident was just above Pompeii city. Most of the people were killed but some were able to travel to nearby towns before the ashes got them killed.

  5. Penguin

    Hence this sad incident happened in 79AD, we cannot find any records about the exact date of the incident. However, a Roman writer named Pliny the Younger has stated the date as 24th of August. However, the archeologists who did the excavation were not ready to admit the date. They have found the cloth and archeological preserves under ash, and their opinion was that this date cannot be entirely accurate. So nobody knows the exact date of the incident.

  6. Penguin

    We have identified Graffiti as a modern-day phenomenon. But would you believe that archaeologists have found some interesting graffiti art on the street walls of Pompeii? This has proved that they had artistic events and skills within Pompeiians. They have found hundreds of pieces.

    Most of them consisted of scenarios from day-to-day life and poetry. This graffiti was very helpful to get some idea about their living styles and culture.

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