13 Amazing And Fabulous Romantic Movies Scripted Based On True Stories.

Watching movies is a better hobby as well as a good mind-relaxing activity than any other. You would love to know the below facts about these movies.

We watch romantic movies especially when we are fallen in love. The movies can give us the boost to make unconditional love to the person we have chosen. But what if we found that movie we watched was based on a real story? It could be really fantastic feeling to watch a movie knowing that story is very much real. 

There are many famous movies that were created using real-life stories while we have some romantic movies that are also on the list. Saffaripenguin.com decided to bring you some world-famous and world-class romantic movies. Not just movies, but also they have made around true life stories of people. 

Welcome, all our members of the penguin community to watch these movies.If you already watched them, watching them twice or more will make you even happier. 

  1. Penguin

    The Titanic movie is the most famous romantic movie that was created based on a true story. The story was gathered around the famous ship that sunk in 1912. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio were the two stars who played the main roles in the movie. 

    It was not easy for a poor guy to fall in love with a rich woman even in 1912. As because the boy was from a lower cast while the girl was from a higher class, their relationship was subjected to many judgments by society. 

    The ship sunk in the middle of the ocean and as we saw in the movie, the boy dead like a true love after giving his girlfriend the chance to live. That was the best example of true love and that even existed in those 1912 years too. 

    You might get some interest of watch it again as the movie is a real masterpiece to watch several times. 

  2. Penguin

    The movie was about the life story of American Nobel prize winner John Nash. The movie was a biography of our main cast and was released in 2001. The movie was about the incidents that happened in his life during a specific time period. 

    The leading role was diagnosed with paranoid Schizophrenia and the illness was a mental disorder that gives the patent splits of reality and paranoia. A beautiful story to watch. You might watch it again after this remark. 

  3. Penguin

    This movie is not a biography but most of the aspects of the story of Jane Austen and Tom Lefroy are true. The casts were Jane Austen (Ann Hathaway) and the young Irishman Tom Lefroy ( James McAvoy). 

    Jane Austen was a famous writer and even today we know her for the same reason. The story flows with the incidents that happened in her life. Mostly the story is about how the young Irishman helped her and inspired her with the writings.

    You would love to watch the movie again as the movie plays a significant role in love story lists of the recent past.  

  4. Penguin

    This is a so good movie to watch if you prefer romantic and also true love stories. The story is about an inspiring photographer making moves after an older woman. The 1950s Newyork was the time related to the true scenario while the movie played its roles in 2015s. 

    The story is about two different women with different backgrounds falling in love with each other. The basic story is a true story while the romance, intimations, and some other scenarios had subjected to imaginary recreations. 

    This is a very good one to watch especially if you love to watch romantic types. 

  5. Penguin

    The true story happened in the early stages of WWII in Casablanca Morocco. The name was given to the movie as our main role owned a cafe in the city of Casablanca. 

    The story is about a doubtful man willing to help his Ex and Ex's husband to escape away from Nazis in French Morocco. This is a true story directed by Michael Curtiz and really should honor as a masterpiece of the industry as many admired this production. 

    The movie should be in the upper most position of the list if you do love watching romantic and true love stories. 

  6. 6


    Indeed based on a true and the story is about a woman desperately searching for her kidnapped boyfriend. The extreme search has dragged her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad. The place was horrifying and nobody has escaped from the place before. 

    The historical thriller film was directed by Florian Gallenberger while the production was by Benjamin Herrmann. The real incident happened in 1973 in Chile. Here in the movie, the famous Emma Watson plays the role of the girlfriend while Daniel Bruhl gives the pumps to the boyfriend role. 

    The movie should include and should watch once again inside your list of most watched movies. 

  7. Penguin

    This movie is a true story and to be honest, the movie has been scripted based on real-life experiences of Elizabeth Gilbert's personal life as a travel memoir. The roles play around the story of a woman who got divorced and tries to find true herself while traveling from place to place all over the world. 

    Julia Roberts starred in the role of Elizabeth Gilbert. If we elaborate on the movie we can say that the movie is an immensely entertaining, occasionally inspiring, and genuinely feel-good film. 

    You would love to watch it again as you see the above poster on www.saffaripenguin.com

  8. Penguin

    The movie was created based on a true story. It was the true story of waitress Phyllis Penzo and officer Robert Cunningham. Penzo was a waitress at Sal's Pizzeria in Yonkers New York. 

    Charlie Lang (Nicolas Cage) is a simple kind-hearted city cop. After realizing he has no money to tip the waitress, he offered the chance to give half of the lottery win to the waitress as he had a lottery ticket with him at that time. Surprisingly the lottery had a win of $4 million. So the story goes on and on. 

    You can watch the movie with super curiosity till the end. 

  9. Penguin

    The story is about two feisty free spirited women bonded in a relationship with charm poet who loves them both. The legendary poet Dylan Thomas was the main role and he was going through the lives of two extraordinary women. 

    The story is not totally based on a true story but some aspects were taken into consideration that happened in 1940 in London. 

    You got to watch the movie as this is one of the real masterpieces in the history of romantic movies. 

  10. Penguin

    This movie was cast in 2014 and is a real masterpiece that emerged to every person who watched the movie. The story is about two cancer patients starting a journey to see a reclusive author in Amsterdam. 

    This film was loosely inspired by a teenager Ester Earl, an internet celebrity. She was taken the popularity by posting her pics and videos about her life with cancer. The script, story, and screenplay of the movie were fantastic. 

    Shaileen Woodly and Ansel Elgort's performances as Hazel and Augustus were spectacular. The show flows with very funny, curious, and also sad clips making the total gathering a masterpiece of the industry.  

  11. Penguin

    The film was created based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. On the website, Nicholas stated that the main roles of the movie Noah and Allie were his then-wife's grandparents. 

    The movie is based on a story in the 1940s in Carolina. The story was around the roles of a mill worker Noah Calhoun(Ryan Gosling) and a rich girl Allie (Rachel McAdams) who were desperately in love. The guy had to move on with duties in world war II and in return, he did not seem to have his love just like before. 

    The story goes with more curiosity and more feelings. Many people loved this movie from the beginning. 

  12. Penguin

    The theory of everything is a biographical movie directed by James Marsh. The movie was released in 2014. This extraordinary movie was inspired by the life story of the great theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking. 

    After the release, the real Stephen Hawking made a statement calling that the movie "broadly true". The film was a masterpiece while Eddie Redmayne did honors to the role of the great Physicist. 

    You would love to see the movie as it is truly inspiring and romantic. 

  13. Penguin

    The Vow is loosely based on the true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter who wrote a book about their marriage. The book was also known as "The Vow". Ten weeks after the marriage they met with an accident and the film was created with the effects of that car accident on their marriage. 

    As per the film, Leo and his wife Paige met with a serious car accident. A miracle happens and they survive the severe accident but Paige lost her memory of the last five years. The story flows with the memories and Leo's efforts to love Paige deeply again. 

    The Vow is a must-watch movie and makes it straight into your list. 

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